Software Programs

  • Below you will find a list of approved software programs and databases.  Click on the images below to access the programs.
    Contact your student's teacher for username and password information.
    Educators, to view access information. 
  • Textbooks


    AGA Collections 
    Content: Math        



    Benchmark Literacy

    Grade: K-5
    Content: ELA




    LanchPad MacMillan Learning

    Grade: 9-12

    Content: Macroeconomics, Microecmonomics, AP Psychology, AP World History, AP European History


    Mindtap from Cengage

    Grade: 9-12

    Content: AP Government, Forensice, AP Environmental Science





    Grade: , ,

    Content: Social Studies


    Pearson EnVisions
    Grade: K-5
    Content: Math
    Go Math
    Grade: 6-8
    Content: Math 
    HMH Collections
    Grade: 6-8 (ELA), 9-12 (French)
    Content: ELA and World Languages



    McGraw Hill


    Grade: 6-8, 9-12

    Content: 6th Grade Earth Science, 7th grade Life Science, 8th grade Physical Science

    9-12 Physical Science, Earth Science, AP Biology, American Government, Psychology, Sociology, World Geography

    Pearson Math XL
    Grade: 11-12
    Content: Math
    AP Calculus
    AP Statistics
    Pearson Realize
    Grade: 6-12 (Spanish & Latin), 9-12 (ELA)
    Content: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, U.S. History, ELA, Environmental Science, World History, Zoology (9-12), World Language (6-12)


    Pearson MyLab/Mastering


    Grade: 9-12

    Content:  AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Physics C, Physics, Human Anatomy & Physiology, AP US History, AP Human Geography


    Other Recommended Software Programs

     Grade: 6-12
    Content: ESOL
    Grade: K-12
    Content: All 
    Discovery Education
    Grade: K-12
    Content: All 
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: World Languages
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: All  
    ESL Reading Smart
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: ESOL 
    First in Math
    Grade: K-5
    Content: Math
    Grade: K-12
    Content: ELA/Math 
    Khan Academy
    Grade: K-12
    Content: All
    Grade: PK-5
    Content: All 
    National Geographic/Cengage
    Grade: K-12
    Content: ESOL 
    Performance Matters
    Grade: K-12
    Conent: All


    Revision Assistant
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: ELA 
    Rosetta Stone
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: ESOL (Tier A only) 
    Rubicon Atlas
    Grade: K-12
    Content: All
    Revision Assistant
    Grade: 9-12
    Content: ELA
    USA Test Prep
    Grade: 6-12
    Content: All
    Grade: K-12
    Content: ESOL