Math Educational Activities for Parents and Students

  • Parents’ Guides to Student Success in Mathematics

    Posted by Pamela Lovett on 2/11/2024

    Changes in Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards 

    The Georgia State Board of Education approved the new K-12 Mathematics Standards in August 2021. The standards
    were drafted by mathematics teachers in Georgia with input from educational leaders, parents, students, business and industry leaders, and community membersThe rationale for the change is to focus on mathematical thinking and reasoning and to align mathematics to industry and workforce needs and 21s century skills.


    The new standards are designed to provide a strong foundation beginning in the early grades and to be clear, understandable, and present a reasonable amount of content each year – so students can truly master concepts, rather than simply being quickly exposed to them.  They also allow flexibility with the use of mathematical strategies and methods.


    The Georgia Department of Education in partnership with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) Education has created a new campaign, ! to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. 

    Parental Guides are available which include additional information and resources. These guides include:
    • Key mathematics concepts children should learn in mathematics in each grade.
    • Activities that parents can do at home to support their child’s learning.
    • Methods for helping parents build stronger relationships with their child’s teacher (i.e., talking points).

    Please click the link below to view Parent Letters:


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